Michael Spies

Dr Michael Spies

Head of Research Group

Michael is a human geographer with broad experience in transdisciplinary human-environmental research. As an initiator and group leader of TRANSECT, his main research interests are reflected in the project design and include social-ecological dynamics of farming systems, participatory approaches to natural resource management and transboundary perspectives of agrarian change in Central Asia and Pakistan.

Dr Michael Spies

Head of Research Group

Michael is a human geographer with broad experience in transdisciplinary human-environmental research. As an initiator and group leader of TRANSECT, his main research interests are reflected in the project design and include social-ecological dynamics of farming systems, participatory approaches to natural resource management and transboundary perspectives of agrarian change in Central Asia and Pakistan.

Research Interests

  • Agricultural transformation processes
  • Agroforestry
  • Transboundary dimensions of farming systems
  • Central Asia and Pakistan
  • Participatory approaches to natural resource management
  • Theories of human-environmental relations

Curriculum Vitae


Group Leader TRANSECT, Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development


Project Coordinator, Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development

Project eAGROFORST – ‘Food security and livelihood improvement through agroforestry in Central Asia’


Consultant, GIZ project ‘Biodiversity and ecosystem services in agrarian landscapes’ in Tajikistan and India, Centre for Econics and Ecosystem Management


PhD Human Geography, Freie Universität Berlin


PhD Researcher and Lecturer, Freie Universität Berlin

DFG-funded project ‘Climate change and multiple stressors in mountain areas. Vulnerability, adaptive capacity and human security in Nagar (Karakoram), Pakistan’ (2014-2017)


Research Assistant, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research

Project ‘AsianCitiesAdapt’


M.Sc. Geography – Geographic Development Studies, Freie Universität Berlin


B.Sc. Geographical Sciences, Freie Universität Berlin



Schmidt, M., Steenberg, R., Spies, M. & Alff, H. (eds.) (2021): Beyond Post-Soviet: Layered Legacies and Transformations in Central Asia. (Geographica Augustana 33). Augsburg.

Spies, M. (2019). Northern Pakistan: High mountain farming and changing socionatures. Lahore: Vanguard Books. 416pp.

Peer-reviewed Journal Articles

Spies, M. (2025): Local seed systems and Global China: The spread of Chinese hybrid seeds in Pakistan and Tajikistan. Journal of Peasant Studies. https://doi.org/10.1080/03066150.2025.2462762

Zuberi, M., Spies, M., Ø. Nielsen, J.Ø. (2024): Is there a future for smallholder farmers in Bioeconomy? The case of ‘improved' seeds in South Punjab, Pakistan. Forest Policy and Economics. Volume 158. Special issue on ‘Bioeconomy Governance in the Global South: State of the Art and the Way Forward’.


Raab, C., Spies, M. (2023): Characterising cropland fragmentation in post-Soviet Central Asia, using Landsat remote-sensing time series data. Applied Geography. Volume 156.


Alff, Henryk & Michael Spies (2023): Introduction: Coexistence or competition for resources? Transboundary transformations of natural resource use in China’s neighbourhood. In: Eurasian Geography & Economics 64 (7-8): 797-810. (Special issue ‚Coexistence or competition for resources? Transboundary transformations of natural resource use in China’s neighborhood‘)


Spies, Michael; Alff, Henryk; Missall, Siegmund & Martin Welp (2023): Path dependencies of (un-)sustainable land use in Central Asia. Central Asian Affairs 10 (2023): 239-269. (Special issue on ‘Life in the Province: Socioeconomic and Cultural Transformations outside the Capital Cities – A ‘Global Province’ in Central Asia’). doi:10.30965/22142290-bja10039.

Spies, M.; Zuberi, M.; Mählis, M.; Zakirova, A.; Alff, H.; Raab, C. (2022) Towards a participatory systems approach to managing complex bioeconomy interventions in the agrarian sector. Sustainable Production and Consumption.

PDF  | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.spc.2022.03.020

Spies, M. (2021). Promises and perils of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor: Agriculture and export prospects in northern Pakistan. Eurasian Geography and Economics.


Spies, M., Schick, A., Karomatov, S., Bakohodzha, B., Zikriyohon, K., Jobirov, S., Bloch, R., Ibisch, P.L. (2021). Adapting a participatory and ecosystem-based assessment impacted by the pandemic: Lessons learned with farmers in Tajikistan. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems.


Spies, M. (2020). Commercialization versus de-intensification? Markets, livelihoods and agricultural change in northern Pakistan. ASIEN 156/157, 79–101.


Alff, H., & Spies, M. (2020). Pfadabhängigkeiten in der Bioökonomie überwinden? Landwirtschaftliche Intensivierungsprozesse aus sozial-ökologischer Perspektive. PERIPHERIE 159/160, 334-359.

Voigt K, Spies M. (2020). Female Education and Social Change: Changing Perceptions of Women’s Roles in Society in the High Mountains of Northern Pakistan. Mountain Research and Development. 40(4):R9–R16.

Werg, J. L., Grothmann, T., Spies, M., & Mieg, H. A. (2020). Factors for self-protective behavior against extreme weather events in the Philippines. Sustainability, 12(15), 6010.


Spies, M., & Alff, H. (2020): Assemblages and complex adaptive systems: A conceptual crossroads for integrative research? In: Geography Compass 14 (10): e12534.


Ruppert, D., Welp, M., Spies, M., & Thevs, N. (2020). Farmers’ Perceptions of Tree Shelterbelts on Agricultural Land in Rural Kyrgyzstan. Sustainability, 12 (3): 1093.


Spies, M. (2019). Mixed manifestations of climate change in high mountains: Insights from a farming community in northern Pakistan. Climate and Development, 1–12.


Spies, M. (2018). Changing food systems and their resilience in the Karakoram mountains of northern Pakistan: A case study of Nagar. Mountain Research and Development, 38(4), 299–310.

Spies, M. (2017). Changing assemblages of high mountain farming in Gilgit-Baltistan. Lahore Journal of Policy Studies, 7(1), 65–76.

Spies, M. (2016). Glacier thinning and adaptation assemblages in Nagar, northern Pakistan. Erdkunde, 70(2), 125–140.


Spies, M. (2014). Klimaanpassung als Diskurs: Ungleiche Perspektiven zur Hochwasserproblematik in Jakarta, Indonesien. Peripherie, 136, 404–426.

Lutz, R., Spies, M., Reusser, D. E., Kropp, J. P., & Rybski, D. (2013). Characterizing the development of sectoral gross domestic product composition. Physical Review E, 88(1).

Chojnacki, S., Ickler, C., Spies, M., & Wiesel, J. (2012). Event Data on Armed Conflict and Security: New perspectives, old challenges, and some solutions. International Interactions, 38(4), 382–401.

Other Publications

Spies, M. (2024): Agriculture and Chinese Agribusiness Investments in the Context of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor. In P. Abb, F. Boni & H. H. Karrar (eds.), China, Pakistan and the Belt and Road Initiative: The Experience of an Early Adopter State. London: Routledge, pp. 33-51. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781032633411-3

Spies, Michael; Alff, Henryk; Raab, Christoph; Zakirova, Aksana and Mehwish Zuberi (eds.)(2023): Sustainable Food and Biomass Futures? Localised Approaches to Agricultural Change and Bioeconomy. Eberswalde.https://doi.org/10.57741/opus4-837.

Spies, M (2023): Review of Frembgen, Jürgen Wasim (2022): At the foot of the Fairy Mountain. The Nagerkuts of the Karakoram/Northern Pakistan. Berlin: Reimer. Erdkunde, 76 (4), 307-308.

Spies, M. (2022) Der chinesisch-pakistanische Wirtschaftskorridor. Versprechen und Widersprüche für den Agrarsektor Pakistans, Geographische Rundschau 75/4, 16-19.

Zuberi, M., Raab, C., Spies, M. (2022) Landnutzungswandel im Baumwollgürtel Pakistans. Gen-Baumwolle, Agrardiversifizierung und ökologische Herausforderungen im Süden des Punjab, Geographische Rundschau 75/4, 20-25.

Spies, M. and Welp, M. (2021): Stakeholder-based knowledge mapping for re-establishing agroforestry systems in Central Asia. In M. Schmidt, R. Steenberg, M. Spies & H. Alff (eds.), Beyond Post-Soviet: Layered Legacies and Transformations in Central Asia. (Geographica Augustana 33). Augsburg. pp. 38-48.


Alff, H., Schmidt, M., Spies, M. & Steenberg, R. (2021): Layered legacies – An introduction. In M. Schmidt, R. Steenberg, M. Spies & H. Alff (eds.), Beyond Post-Soviet: Layered Legacies and Transformations in Central Asia. (Geographica Augustana 33). Augsburg. pp. 4-6.

Spies, M. (2020): Agrarwandel und sozial-ökologische Nachhaltigkeit. 


Spies, M. (2020): High mountain agriculture and changing socionatures in Nagar, Northern Pakistan. European Bulletin of Himalayan Research 54 (Dissertation Abstracts), 102-103. 

Spies, M. (2017). Multiple ‚Aktanten’ des landwirtschaftlichen Wandels im pakistanischen Karakorum: Das Beispiel Kartoffelanbau in Hopar, Nagar. In M. Schmidt, A. Follmann, & J. Poerting (Eds.), Geographien Südasiens 8: Extended Abstracts der 7. Jahrestagung des AK Südasien (pp. 26–29). Heidelberg: CrossAsia-eBooks.

Spies, M. (2011). Deconstructing Flood Risks: A Livelihood and Vulnerability Analysis in Jakarta, Indonesia. Berlin Geographical Papers 40, Berlin. 60 pp.


+49 (0) 3334 657 198

Dr Michael Spies
Schwappachweg 3 (22.1)
16225 Eberswalde
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