Mehwish Zuberi

Mehwish Zuberi

Doctoral Researcher

Mehwish is trained in environmental governance and sociology/anthropology. Experienced in community-based natural resource management, cross-sectoral natural resource policies and multi-level governance, she has a regional focus on Europe and South Asia. In TRANSECT, she is investigating agricultural intensification processes and their consequences in southern Punjab of Pakistan with the aim to develop alternative sustainable pathways in a climate change scenario.

Mehwish Zuberi

Doctoral Researcher

Mehwish has a keen interest in sustainability transitions, underpinned by social equity. Her previous research experiences encompass community-based natural resource management, cross-sectoral natural resource policies and multi-level governance with a regional focus on Europe and South Asia. As part of the TRANSECT project, she will conduct in-depth field research on agricultural transformations in Punjab, Pakistan. 

Research Interests

  • Forest and environmental policy analysis
  • Socio-ecological sustainability of a bioeconomy
  • Agricultural transformations
  • South Asia



M.Sc. Environmental Governance, Albert Ludwigs University of Freiburg


B.Sc. Sociology and Anthropology, Lahore University of Management Sciences


Since 06/2019

Doctoral Researcher, Centre for Econics and Ecosystem Management,

Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development (HNEE)

TRANSECT – Agrarian and Social-Ecological Complexities Local Bioeconomy Scenarios in Central and South Asia (BMBF, 05/2019 – 04/2024)

​​​​​2019 – 2019

Research Assistant, Chair of Societal Transition and Circular Economy, University of Freiburg

Circulus:  Opportunities and Challenges of Transformation Towards a Sustainable Circular Bio-Economy (BMBF, 2016 – 2021)

​2018 – 2019

Research Assistant, Chair of Forest and Environmental Policy, University of Freiburg

POLYFORES: Decision-making Support for Forest Ecosystem Services in Europe – Value Assessment, Synergy Effects and Trade-Offs (BLE/BMEL, 04/2017 – 03/2020)

2017 – 2017

Intern, German Corporation for International Cooperation (GIZ)

Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+)

I​​​​​​nitiative in Himalayas (BMUB, 2013 – 2019)

Field Research


1 month of fieldwork on agricultural innovations in Punjab, Pakistan.


2 months of field work and participatory workshops on sustainable agricultural future(s) in Multan district, South Punjab.


4 months of field work on agricultural policy (dis-)integration in South Punjab and Islamabad.


2 months on local farmers shifting away from cotton in the cotton belt in Multan district, South Punjab, Pakistan


2 months of explorative fieldwork on current agricultural transformations and land use changes in four districts of South Punjab, Pakistan


5 months on interlinkages between community forestry, agricultural sector, and UN-REDD+ program 


Zuberi, M., Spies, M., Ø. Nielsen, J.Ø. (2024): Is there a future for smallholder farmers in Bioeconomy? The case of ‘improved' seeds in South Punjab, Pakistan. Forest Policy and Economics Volume 158. Special issue on ‘Bioeconomy Governance in the Global South: State of the Art and the Way Forward’.

Spies, M., Alff, H., Raab, C., Zakirova, A., Zuberi M. (eds.)(2023): Sustainable Food and Biomass Futures? Localised Approaches to Agricultural Change and Bioeconomy. Eberswalde.

Zuberi, M., Raab, C., Spies, M. (2022) Landnutzungswandel im Baumwollgürtel Pakistans. Gen-Baumwolle, Agrardiversifizierung und ökologische Herausforderungen im Süden des Punjab, Geographische Rundschau 75/4, 20-25.

Spies, M., Zuberi, M., Mählis, M., Zakirova, A., Alff, H., Raab, C. (2022) Towards a participatory systems approach to managing complex bioeconomy interventions in the agrarian sector. Sustainable Production and Consumption.

PDF  |

Zuberi, M. (2021) "Between Disconnects and Flows: Reflections on Doing Fieldwork in Rural South Punjab during the Covid-19 Pandemic," In: Südasien-Chronik - South Asia Chronicle 11/2021, pp. 521-540, Südasien Seminar der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, pp. 521-540. 


Luo, A., Zuberi, M., Liu, J., Perrone, M., Schnepf, S., Leipold, S. (2021) Why common action and interest are not enough for environmental cooperation. Lessons from the Chine-EU cooperation discourse on circular economy. In: Global Environmental Change, 71.

Zuberi, M. (2020): “Agriculture in flux: Insights into agricultural transformations and possible scenarios in South Punjab, Pakistan.” In: Follmann, A., Müller, J. und Falk, G. C. (Hrsg.): Aktuelle Forschungsbeiträge zu Südasien: 10. Jahrestagung des AK Südasien, 24./25. Januar 2020, Freiburg, Heidelberg; Berlin: CrossAsia-eBooks, 2020 (Geographien Südasiens, Band 12), pp. 31-34.

+49 (0) 3334 657 538

Mehwish Zuberi
Schwappachweg 3 (22.1)
16225 Eberswalde
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